Design-Build Explained: Everything You Need to Know

Design-Build Explained: Everything You Need to Know
Written by
Nick Chatzigeorgakis
Published on
September 16, 2024
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Why Design-Build is Changing Construction

When asking what is design build, we’re talking about an innovative construction project delivery method where the owner engages in a single contract that covers both architectural design and the physical construction process.

  • Single contract: One agreement covers both design and construction.
  • Integrated team: Combines architects, engineers, and contractors.
  • Collaboration: Early involvement of all parties.
  • Innovation: Creative problem-solving and streamlined processes.

Design-build has been around for centuries, but its modern revival is reshaping how people approach construction. The traditional design-bid-build method involves multiple contracts and often leads to fragmented responsibilities and delays.

In contrast, design-build emphasizes collaboration and efficiency. From initial design concepts to project completion, having a single point of contact simplifies communication and boosts overall project success.

Design-Build Process Steps - what is design build infographic infographic-line-3-steps

What is design build vocabulary:

What is Design-Build?

Design-Build vs. Design-Bid-Build

Design-Build and Design-Bid-Build are two different ways to complete construction projects, and understanding the difference is key.

In a Design-Bid-Build approach, the owner first hires a design team to create detailed plans. After the design phase, these plans are sent out to various contractors for bidding. Each contractor submits their bid, and the owner selects one to complete the construction. This method involves multiple contracts—one for design and one for construction. This often leads to adversarial relationships and increased administrative burden for the owner.

  • Separate Contracts: One for design and one for construction.
  • Adversarial Relationships: Designers and builders may blame each other for issues.
  • Complex Management: The owner manages multiple contracts and resolves disputes.

In contrast, Design-Build uses a single contract for both design and construction. This means the design-build team works together from the start, fostering better collaboration and innovation. The owner deals with just one entity, simplifying the process and reducing the risk of disputes.

  • Single Contract: One agreement covers both design and construction.
  • Unified Workflow: Designers and builders work as a team from the beginning.
  • Streamlined Process: Easier communication and fewer disputes.

Design-Build vs. Build-Only

Another comparison to make is Design-Build versus Build-Only. In a Build-Only approach, the owner hires separate design consultants to create the plans and then hires a contractor to execute them. This method can lead to higher costs and more complicated project management.

  • Separate Design Consultants: Different entities handle design and construction.
  • Higher Costs: Lack of integrated services can lead to inefficiencies.
  • Design Responsibility: The contractor is not involved in the design phase, which can lead to misunderstandings and errors during construction.

Design-Build, on the other hand, integrates both design and construction services under one roof. This leads to more efficient project management and often results in cost savings.

  • Integrated Services: Design and construction are handled by the same team.
  • Cost Comparison: More efficient and often cheaper due to reduced overhead and fewer changes.
  • Design Responsibility: The design-build team is involved from the start, ensuring that construction aligns perfectly with the initial design.

By choosing Design-Build, owners can expect a more cohesive project experience, from initial concept to final completion, with fewer headaches along the way. This approach not only saves time and money but also results in higher quality outcomes.

Benefits of Design-Build

Faster Project Delivery

Design-Build is known for its speed. By integrating design and construction under one contract, the process becomes much more streamlined. This collaborative approach means that potential issues are identified and addressed early, reducing delays.

Statistics back this up: Research by Victor Sanvido and Mark Konchar found that design-build projects are delivered 33.5% faster than those using the traditional design-bid-build method. This is because the design-build team can start construction before the entire design is finalized, leading to accelerated project completion.

Cost Savings

Cost efficiency is another major advantage. With design-build, you get early cost knowledge, which helps in making informed decisions and avoiding budget overruns. The integrated team works together to find cost-saving opportunities throughout the project.

Sanvido and Konchar’s research also showed that design-build projects have a unit cost that is 6.1% lower than design-bid-build projects. Fewer design changes and a unified approach minimize waste and reduce the risk of expensive litigation.

Higher Quality Outcomes

When it comes to quality, design-build excels. The collaboration between designers and builders leads to innovative solutions that meet performance needs more effectively. Since everyone is on the same team, there are fewer disputes and a shared goal of delivering a high-quality project.

A benchmarking study by Victor O. Schinnerer found that design-build projects resulted in fewer claims and less litigation compared to other methods. This means higher satisfaction for the owner and a smoother project delivery.

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Fewer Changes and Reduced Risk

Another benefit is the reduction in change orders. Since the design and construction teams work together from the start, there is less room for misunderstanding and errors. This means fewer changes during the construction phase, which translates to cost savings and fewer delays.

Design-build also reduces the owner’s risk. The design-build team takes on the responsibility for any design errors, minimizing the owner’s legal and managerial responsibilities. This leads to fewer problems and a more efficient project management process.


Innovation is a hallmark of design-build. The early involvement of all team members fosters creative problem-solving and the development of best-value solutions. This collaborative environment leads to better project outcomes and more efficient use of resources.

In summary, design-build offers numerous benefits: faster delivery, cost savings, higher quality outcomes, fewer changes, reduced risk, and improved innovation. By choosing design-build, you can expect a more cohesive and efficient project experience.

Design-Build Process

Team Selection

The first step in the design-build process is selecting the right team. This is crucial because the team will be responsible for both the design and construction of the project. Owners should vet potential candidates carefully, focusing on their experience, skills, and understanding of the project's vision and budget.

While cost is important, it should not be the only factor in the decision. A smart owner will prioritize experience and skills over the lowest bid to ensure a high-quality project. The chosen design-build team often starts the pre-construction phase immediately, as they likely have already done significant research and analysis of the building site.

Pre-Construction Phase

In the pre-construction phase, the design-build team works closely with the owner to understand the project's goals, challenges, budget, and overall vision. This phase is critical for setting the foundation of the project.

During this time, architects, engineers, contractors, and other consultants assess the current structures, electrical systems, and more to determine what needs to be done before construction can begin. This thorough site assessment helps maximize efficiency throughout the project.

Design Phase

Once the pre-construction phase is complete, the project moves into the design phase. Here, the design-build team collaborates to develop the best possible design that meets the project's functional requirements and style preferences.

Cost savings and productivity are key focuses during this phase. The team works together to find areas for cost savings and optimized productivity, ensuring that the project stays within budget. Preliminary drawings are presented to the owner, and pricing estimates are established. The project schedule is also set, allowing for a quick transition into the construction phase.

Construction Phase

In the construction phase, there is often an overlap with the design phase, which speeds up the project considerably. Simplified communication is a significant advantage here, as there is typically just one point of contact for the project. This ensures accountability and quick resolution of any issues or concerns.

Because the design and construction teams work together from the start, change orders are minimal, leading to fewer delays and cost overruns. The collaborative nature of the design-build process ensures that everyone is moving toward the same goals and deadlines.

Post-Construction Phase

Upon completion of the project, the design-build team provides an overview of the project deliverables. This includes various O&M (Operations and Maintenance) training materials, such as instructional videos, documented procedures, and in-person training sessions for applicable personnel.

Since all work is done by a single entity, the post-construction process is much more streamlined than when designers and contractors work separately. This leads to a smoother transition and higher customer satisfaction.

In summary, the design-build process involves five key phases: team selection, pre-construction, design, construction, and post-construction. Each phase is designed to ensure a smooth, efficient, and high-quality project delivery.

Variations of Design-Build

Two-Step Best Value Design-Build

The two-step best value design-build approach is a popular procurement method that balances quality and cost. In this approach, the procurement process is divided into two distinct phases:

  1. Qualifications-Based Selection: Initially, the owner evaluates potential design-build teams based on their qualifications, experience, and capability to handle the project. This phase ensures that only the most capable and experienced teams move forward.

  2. Design and Cost Proposals: In the second phase, the shortlisted teams submit detailed design and cost proposals. These proposals are then evaluated to determine which team offers the best value. The "best value" is a combination of design quality, project approach, and cost.

This method allows owners to focus on both the expertise of the team and the financial aspects, ensuring a balanced and well-rounded decision.

Progressive Design-Build

Progressive design-build is another variation that emphasizes collaboration and flexibility. This method involves selecting a design-builder primarily based on qualifications rather than cost. Here’s how it works:

  1. Qualifications-Based Selection: Similar to the two-step best value approach, the owner selects the design-builder based on their qualifications, experience, and ability to deliver the project successfully.

  2. Collaborative Design Advancement: After selection, the owner and design-builder work together to progressively develop the design and cost model. This collaborative effort ensures that both parties are aligned on the project's vision and goals.

  3. Mutually Agreeable Design and Cost: As the design progresses, the owner and design-builder continually refine the project scope, schedule, and budget. This iterative process leads to a mutually agreeable design concept and contract price.

Progressive design-build is particularly beneficial for complex projects where flexibility and ongoing collaboration are crucial. It allows for adjustments and improvements throughout the design phase, reducing the risk of costly changes later on.

Flexibility in Procurement Approaches

The flexibility of design-build methods allows owners to choose the approach that best suits their needs and project requirements. Whether it’s the structured two-step best value method or the collaborative progressive design-build approach, owners have the freedom to select a procurement strategy that aligns with their goals and culture.

Benefits of Qualified Design-Builders

Selecting qualified design-builders is essential for the success of any project. Qualified teams bring a wealth of experience, innovative solutions, and a proven track record of delivering high-quality projects. This expertise ensures that the project is completed efficiently, on time, and within budget.

By focusing on qualifications and fostering a collaborative environment, both the two-step best value and progressive design-build methods offer a structured yet flexible approach to project delivery. This ensures that owners receive the best possible outcome for their investment.

Design-Build projects are delivered 33.5% faster than traditional methods - what is design build infographic simple-stat-find

In the next section, we will address common questions and misconceptions about the design-build method.

Frequently Asked Questions about Design-Build

What is meant by design-build?

Design-build is a project delivery method where the owner enters into a single contract for both design and construction services. This means that one team, known as the design-build team, handles the entire project from start to finish. This approach simplifies the process by providing a unified workflow, ensuring better coordination and communication.

What is the difference between design-build and architecture firms?

In a design-build setup, the same team is responsible for both designing and constructing the project. This integrated team approach leads to a single solution for the owner, streamlining the entire process.

On the other hand, traditional architecture firms focus solely on the design aspect. They create the architectural plans and then an entirely separate general contractor is hired to execute the construction. This can sometimes lead to miscommunications and delays as the two separate entities must coordinate their efforts.

What is the difference between design-build and spec build?

Design-build involves a single team working on both the design and construction aspects of a project, ensuring that the design is custom to the owner's needs and budget from the start.

Spec build, or speculative building, is different. In this method, the contractor builds a project based on a pre-existing design, without a specific buyer in mind. The design is ready before construction begins, and the contractor's job is to bid on the construction based on this pre-made design. The cost calculation is done after the design is finalized, which can lead to unexpected expenses if the design needs changes during construction.

These FAQs should clarify some of the most common questions about the design-build method. Understanding these differences can help you make an informed decision about the best approach for your project.


At Intrabuild, we pride ourselves on delivering comprehensive design-build services that transform spaces across New York City. Our approach seamlessly integrates design, construction, and client collaboration to ensure every project exceeds expectations.

Whether you're planning a remodeling project or starting from scratch, our team is dedicated to providing exceptional solutions custom to your needs. We focus on creative design and meticulous execution, ensuring that every detail aligns with your vision and budget.

By choosing Intrabuild, you're not just hiring a contractor; you're partnering with a team that values client collaboration and strives for excellence in every project phase. Our commitment to quality and innovation sets us apart, making us the go-to choice for design-build projects in NYC.

Ready to transform your space? Explore our comprehensive design-build services.

Thank you for considering Intrabuild for your next project. We look forward to turning your vision into reality.

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About Intrabuild Design & Build

Discover the pinnacle of design-build firms in New York City. Intrabuild is renowned for its innovative approach, seamlessly integrating design, construction, and client collaboration.